Safety Tips

Duet is devoted to creating a safe and pleasant online dating environment. We have zero tolerance for fake photos, fraud, harassment and other inappropriate behaviors. At the same time, Duet also encourages our users to improve their safety awareness. To keep yourself safe and comfortable when meeting new people, here are some safety tips from Duet 鉂わ笍:

Photo Verification

The blue check mark isn't only for influencers but for everyone who has been verified.

When you see people have blue check marks on their profiles, you know they are the person in their photos, not robots.

Duet adopts the world-leading verification techniques that are widely used in financial data validation. The verification is super fast and super accurate.馃憤

The more profiles we verify, the safer our community becomes. If your profile does not have a blue check mark icon yet, please verify yourself now!


What to Report?

We make safety a top priority on Duet! You can always ask Duet for help, whenever you notice any suspicious behavior during chatting or swiping.

Please report it to Duet, when you see the following situations:

How to Report Someone?

You can report anyone who makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, regardless of whether you've matched with them or not.

To report your match:

To report someone from profile:

To make our reporting process more effective, please have screenshots attached.

Reporting is totally anonymous. None of the details you provided will be shared with the person reported.

What Happens After I Report?

After the report is submitted, Duet will take over from there. Duet will have our moderation team review the report and deal with it seriously.

Meet In Real Life

Duet hopes that matched users would not only have a nice chat online, but also be friends in real life. Safety is very important both on and off Duet!

Here are safety tips from Duet, if you are going to meet up with your Duet friends: